Connect Your Wallet to mint.

Click below to connect your MetaMask wallet to the Big Bang.

Want to see code before connecting?
You can review our smart contract on Etherscan.

What, Where, Wen??

The Blinkless: Big Bang is a time-rescricted mint. The mint runs for a maximum 7 days or until a total supply of 20k is reached. Any planets not minted during this timeframe will be destroyed and lost forever.

7-Day Minting Event!!

The Blinkless: Big Bang is a 7-day minting event that runs from June 05 @ 4:20pm ET to June 12 @ 4:20pm ET. All tokens will be revealed once the minting period concludes.

Find a Star & Get ETH!!

Become a STAR HUNTER! There are 10 stars hidden in the Big Bang collection. We'll be splitting 10% of the total minting revenue with the minters who hold a star (however many are found)!!

We're minting Entire Planets!!

Each planet you mint will eventually be able to be split into up to 50 individual parcels of land in The Blinkless Animated Universe! Planets are packed with rare traits too - like flora, fauna, resources, weather patterns, and buried treasures!

Over 700 traits across 20+ categories!!

# of Parcels
Alien Region
Planet Type
Ice Caps
Nearby Objects
Orbital Objects
4 Resource Slots!
Pirate Activity
Hazard Intensity
Solar Activity
Earthlike Status
Buried Items

Why get involved with this project??

So glad you asked! Here are a few facts about our project and team to put your mind at ease!

Two sold out collections since April 20, 2022!

50% Profit Sharing on our Genesis collection!

100% volunteer & totally dope Discord Mods!

We're making a book and animated series!

We're partnered with a pro rugby league!

Innovation is our secret weapon!

Fully Doxxed & active team!

100% Organic Community!